Do not use dm+sm or smpar options with WRF-Chem!! First call an interactive shell, then start running geogrid, ungrib, metgrid etc. Your namelist file should look like the following. Any issues with running WRF Chemistry. The pre-processing to create a real data-based initialization file. You should have five files that real.exe produced. Your domain should look like the following. WRF Mesoscale Model Users homepage . Use this utility if you're using something other than EDGAR-HTAP or things not listed in the anthro_emis README/instructions. You can use login node for this default /n/holylfs/LABS/`id -gn`/$USER/new-wrf-root/410-WPS/source source_wrf # 25s on holylogin03vim namelist.wps # no edits./geogrid.exe # 8s on holylogin03, v410, Jan00ln -sf ungrib/Variable_Tables/Vtable.GFS-PRMSL Vtable # for ungrib, ./link_grib.csh /n/holylfs/INTERNAL_REPOS/CLIMATE_MODELS/wrf/data-tutorial-case/JAN00/fnl_2000012* # for ungrib, ./ungrib.exe # 2s on holylogin03, v410, Jan00./metgrid.exe # 1s on holylogin03, v410, Jan00, cd /n/holylfs/LABS/`id -gn`/$USER/new-wrf-root/412-WRF/cp -ai run 00run # 5s on holylogin03cd 00run/# make sure you have sourced source_wrfln -s ../../410-WPS/met_em.d01.2000-01-2* ./vim namelist.input # no edits./real.exe # 3s on holylogin03tail rsl.error.0000 # expect to see "SUCCESS COMPLETE REAL_EM INIT"vim job_wrf.sbatch # no required editssbatch job_wrf.sbatch # 2m36s with 4 huce_intel cpustail rsl.error.0000* # expect to see "SUCCESS COMPLETE WRF", WRF v4.1.2 (precompiled without chem) is downloaded in /n/holylfs/INTERNAL_REPOS/CLIMATE_MODELS/wrf/412-WRFWPS v4.1 (precompiled) is downloaded in /n/holylfs/INTERNAL_REPOS/CLIMATE_MODELS/wrf/410-WPS, WRF v3.6.1 (precompiled with chem) is downloaded in /n/holylfs/INTERNAL_REPOS/CLIMATE_MODELS/WRF_CHEM_3-6-1/WRFV3WPS v3.6.1 (precompiled) is downloaded in /n/holylfs/INTERNAL_REPOS/CLIMATE_MODELS/WRF_CHEM_3-6-1/WPS, WRF v3.0beta with RAVE (pls recompile) is in ~kuang/Model/WRFV3WPS v3.2.1 (pls recompile) is in ~dingma/Model2/WPSv3, Read the user's guide:WRF (ARW) User's Guides: v3, v4WRF-Chem: #This is for a different WRF-Chem version (3.9), but it's still a relevant guide. #This is a separate supplementary WRF-Chem guide to chemical input data processing. #Some helpful WRF-Chem slides from NOAA. Just type. At this point, the key files input files that WRF-Chem expects in order to run successfully may now include, but is not limited, to the following: wrfbiochemi_
#if you planned to include biogenic chem, wrfchemi_00z_ #if you planned to use anthropogenic chem, for two sets of time 00z and 12z. For the examples for China provided here, we are using GRIB2 NCEP FNL Operational Model Global Tropospheric Analyses, continuing from July 1999 ( {"serverDuration": 96, "requestCorrelationId": "171c3461e7313f96"},,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, If you're going to be using WRF meteorology output to drive the STILT LPDM (. Check that you have the preferred path set to your WRFOUT directory (recommend regal or some scratch space with a lot of space) in your history_outname field. If you are running WRF without chemistry, you can go ahead and run the main WRF model at this point. ), squeue -u username #monitor your job status. But it also appears to be more straightforward to use, if you aren't rigid about your emissions inventory choice (i.e., if EDGAR-HTAP is sufficient for your purposes). #(1)-(8) are adapted from p.6 of Plamen's advice for v3.9.1 (6/8/2018). Check out the contents with ncview. #(6) Compile WRF before WPS!! Otherwise you can use the compiled version located at: #(13) MEGAN bio emissions. inappropriate choices in the WRF-Chem namelist.input file. From the namelist.input file for this exercise in WRFV3/test/em_real, we see that chem_opt = 10. !WRF:MEDIATION_LAYER:SOLVER !juminder:added fallspeeds to microphysics_driver call !juminder: added u_base_pc & v_base_pc to rk_tendency call for use in pert_coriolis !juminder: added option for fixing Mu !juminder: 7/18 added moisture perturbations (following DJK) !juminder: 10/5/2011 added source term outputs ⦠Turn your chemistry back on (chem_opt=XXX) in the namelist.wrf file. rsync -a /n/holylfs/INTERNAL_REPOS/CLIMATE_MODELS/wrf/410-WPS /n/holylfs/LABS/`id -gn`/$USER/new-wrf-root/ --exclude='.git*' # 15s on datamover01, rsync -a /n/holylfs/INTERNAL_REPOS/CLIMATE_MODELS/wrf/412-WRF /n/holylfs/LABS/`id -gn`/$USER/new-wrf-root/ --exclude='.git*' # 2m22s on datamover01, Exit datamover01 node. For example, start with the one about how to open and read netcdf files and go from there: If you use ncview, you can quickly get a sense of how your simulation worked. WRF has a bunch of Vtables already in the Variable_Table subfolder of ungrib, but sometimes you will need to do some sleuthing and download the one that you actually need into the Variable_Tables folder. Create WRF-chem emission files using information from the WRF initial condictions (wrfinput) file(s). The PM2.5 values are unrealistic – two orders of magnitude lower than observations in the d03 domain – and this is most likely due to some combination of the following: Accounting only for primary PM2.5. Examine the run_real.log file. Edit the namelist.wps file, specifically: First link your met files from metgrid.exe. "Fully coupled 'online' chemistry within the WRF model." The initial files are based on MOZART 4-GEOS 5 output (6hr, 1.9x2.5deg, 56-level) datasets ( Define model domains with geogrid. Link your bio and anthro files to your WRFV3/test/em_real/ directory. Each WRF-chem species listed below is actually 2 variables, for emissions into the Aitken and the accumulation size mode respectively. View domain configuration, confirm it's correct. 8. The following is a series of recommendations physics o= ptions thus far identified when using WRf-Chem version 3.2.1 with Crimech g= as phase chemistry and Mosaic aerosol (chem_opt =3D 401). The model ran successfully without chemistry and for convert_emiss.exe. WRF-Chem run using MOZCART failed: Chin-An Lin: 10/21/20: application called MPI_Abort error: Akinyoola Julius: 10/20/20: Short wave and long wave fluxes: Anahita Amiri Farahani: 10/15/20: Take a look at the namelist and confirm the dates and domain match your wps namelist. Link the file from the anthro_data/MOZCART folder to this folder, ln -sf yourpath_toWRF/anthro_data/MOZCART/. PROGRAM METGRID: horizontally interpolate ungribbed met data onto geogrid domains. Make sure you've emptied any files from previous runs in the dump dirs. In your mozbc directory type: Navigate back to your WRFV3/test/em_real directory. [primary reference for first version of WRF-Chem] Output is provided every 6 hours. Make sure to turn off chemistry (chem_opt = 0) for this step. You should have your relevant chem data in WRFV3/test/em_real at this point, ready for ingestion by the wrf model. Note 2: With the exception of the geography data set which is really big, copy the WRF_CHEM_3-6-1 folder to a location you are going to run it from. Run real.exe again. In these examples, we will go this route. Make sure you have the following files output from this step: 5. 9. Otherwise you can link to the already downloaded version: Now that you have a compiled version of WRF and WPS, you are ready to set up your model runs. Soft link to the geography data set in the $CLIMATE_MODELS folder.. #(4) Choose 15. &CONTROL anthro_dir = '/n/holylfs/LABS/kuang_lab/adayalu/WRF/ANTHRO/src' domains = 3 wrf_dir = '/n/holylfs/LABS/kuang_lab/adayalu/WRF/UTILINP' src_file_prefix = 'EDGAR_HTAP_emi_' src_file_suffix = '' src_names = 'PM2.5(1)' sub_categories = 'emis_tot' serial_output = .false. #note: be aware of 90-day retention policy of scratch data. If you're not interested in WRF-Chem, and wanted to do a plain WRF tutorial there are much better ones online, or you could just follow along here and skip steps 3 to 6. Referring to the WRF-Chem user manual for more details. This chemistry option uses the CBMZ chemical mechanism and MOSAIC using 8 sectional aerosol bins. Instructions to link to them are noted where necessary. If you are planning to drive an LPDM like STILT with these met files, these need to eventually be converted to .arl format using WRF2ARL directory contents. (Read the README file for details if you want to compile your own version. WRF-Chem namelist options and boundary conditions fatal error: Lin Lu: 9/17/20: Total cloud fraction: Liz Coleman: 9/8/20: Running WRF-Chem using MERRA data: Lin Wu: 9/7/20: Running WRF-Chem with multiple nodes on HPC cluster: Lin Lu: 9/3/20: WRF-Chem chemistry output details: Lin Lu: 9/1/20: Wrf Chem 4 user ⦠PROGRAM REAL: real data initialization program to set up the model domain and initialize WRF. These are your WPS final output files that real.exe ingests. This will be your namelist file. They MUST be in this directory in some form. Read the README file for compilation instructions if you're doing this on your own; on the Harvard cluster you might have to do the following: export NETCDF_DIR=$NETCDF_HOME before compilation, and same with MEGAN instructions (#13 below). This is constructed based on a hybrid of following instructions in the README file and the input file located in the anthro_data/EDGAR-HTAP/INP-Examples folder. A compiled version is located at the path below. Note that with the exception of the geog_data_path, all path variables should point to a writable dump directory of your choice. Note that the src_file_prefix and src_file suffix are concatenated with whatever is specified in src_names (here, PM2.5) to generate the full filename string. Make sure you understand the purpose of the entries. There are other packages developed at NCAR for analyzing and visualizing WRF-ARW data: wrf-python - A Python package that extends the functionality of wrf_user_getvar. â Questions: Send email to WRF-Chem help ⦠Jan, QNDROPSOURCE is one of the arrays associated with the cloud-aerosol interactions that our team at PNNL have added. wrf-chem-run Welcome to the WRF-Chem Run discussion group. Step 1a. WRF-Chem ⢠It is assumed that the user of WRF-Chem : â is very familiarwith the WRF model system â have run WPS and a weather simulation using WRFV3 â know FORTRAN and C and can edit code, recompile, etc. For wrf-chem, it's good practice to create a folder for use with various external utilities that you link your intermediate wrf files to. Atmospheric Chemistry Division: WRF-Chem. Take a look at the PM2.5_DRY variable (3D Vars). Now get ready to run ungrib. Thanks to Meng Gao at Harvard China Project and Thomas Lauvaux at PSU for help with this and for providing their WRF-Chem namelist templates for this example! This page documents the steps to run WRF and WRF-Chem on Harvard cluster. Make sure things look reasonable. Step 1b. Edit the prep_chem_sources.inp namelist file. It is recommended you write to regal or a similar scratch space you have access to; the dump files take up space and aren't needed again after the run so they don't have to be stored in a permanent location. It appears that it's useful for very specific data sets (like EDGAR-HTAP). 6. in MADE (Ackermann et al., 1998). Once this is done, navigate to your geogrid dump folder that you specified in your namelist.wps file and visualize the three files using ncview. I liked to keep my frames hourly (a file is written out every simulation hour. Details: WRF/Chem User's Guide 3.1. In any case, this exercise should at least get you familiarity with the process of running WRF-Chem and set you up for being able to do second-order troubleshooting (like the more important question of why these values are unrealistic!). This will become clearer, but for now make sure you have a directory in your $CLIMATE_MODELS location that's entitled "UTILINP". Create a new text file called anthro_emis.inp. Note: there are other options, like fire emissions ... you need to figure out what is relevant to your question. Make sure kemit=1 (vertical levels in anthro emissions this case it is 1...surface data). Navigate to the MEGAN directory in the $CLIMATE_MODELS directory (or wherever you have saved your local copy of everything), You should be ready to run the MEGAN bio emission utility. #(14) EDGAR-HTAP anthropogenic chemical fields, for use with anthro_emiss utility. Make sure your NETCDF_DIR variable is set if so, and make sure your make_util file is executable. How to Run? 3. wrfinput_ #your standard initialization file from real.exe. WRF-Chem is the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model coupled with Chemistry. Check that the tail of the rsl.error.0000 file says "SUCCESS COMPLETE REAL_EM INIT", This step modifies the wrf initial and boundary condition files that now have space for chemical data (since we re-ran real.exe with chem_opt on and anthro/bio fields). But – since we are running WRF-Chem – we need to run the additional utilities that either use the info contained in these files to map chemical data correctly (e.g., prep-chem-src) or modify the contents directly (e.g., mozbc for inputs of chemical boundary conditions into wrfbdy_d01). You will need to figure out the initialization data set best suited to your domain and purposes. T1_MOZCART presents an update to the MOZART-4 chemical gas phase mechanism in chem_opt 112 (MOZCART; Emmons et al., 2010). Run convert_emiss.exe to convert the chemistry data from binary intermediate to WRF input form. The current recom= mended physics parameterisations for running the UK domain in summer are as= follows (for set ⦠How to Compile? Read the README file in the parent WPS folder for a quick guide on what the programs do. 4. Navigate to your WRFV3/test/em_real/ directory. This is the only step that has significant benefit from running in parallel! Atmos. !IROUTINE: radiation_driver - interface ⦠Navigate to your WRFV3 folder and type: If compilation was successful, you should see convert_emiss.exe in the WRFV3/chem folder. The official repository for the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model - wrf-model/WRF At command line: #Execute real.exe ; no real benefit to running as a parallel job so…. Register in These are your WPS final output files that real.exe ingests. MOZART-4 results for a subset of the globe and a range of dates can be downloaded from this page. Up to you.). You don't need to copy the geography data set. If you are starting with other emissions, you probably need to go the prep-chem route. If you are running WRF-Chem, this is the point at which you run your chemistry data prep program (i.e., prep-chem-src, anthro_emis, and/or convert_emiss) which requires wrfinput_d0* files to actually work. We invite Archana Dayalu, Packard Chan, Lee Miller and Jiahua Guo to co-edit this page. Run metgrid and make sure you get the "successful completion" message. Check that the tail of the file says SUCCESS COMPLETE REAL_EM INIT. You will notice that while the run completed successfully from a technical standpoint, it's actually way off. And due to this dependence upon WRF, it is assumed that anyone choosing to use WRF-Chem is very familiar with the set-up and use of the basic WRF model. While the wrfchemi, wrfbiochemi, and mozbc utilities seem to have gone through, it may not have done so correctly based on an inappropriate namelist parameter selection. Now that you have your bio emissions, it's time to get your anthropogenic emissions in the right format. Like prep-chem, this is another (possibly less versatile) option for getting your anthropogenic chemical fields the wrf-chem format. [...etc for other variables, domains ...]. Note that you have to do this each time you run ./configure, because the configure.wrf script is overwritten each time. Run real.exe to output the necessary intermediate files for chem data processing. Instructions in this part assume you want to compile and run your own version of WRF. Once you are done with this and have all your requisite chem data in the right format stored or linked in the WRFV3/test/em_real folder, you can run the wrf.exe model. (25% to nearly 40% of PM2.5 in many cities in the region is secondary inorganic.). The WRF User's Forum. Presently, the WRF-Chem model is now released as part of the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) modeling package. Environ., 39:6957-6976. Link the metgrid files to the test/em_real directory and make sure the namelist num_metgrid_levels and num_metgrid_soil_levels match what's in the metgrid files. Google Docs:, ARW Technical Note:, Optimizing performance:, Running on Cheyenne: "The WRF-Chem User's Guide is designed to provide the reader with information specific to the chemistry part of the WRF model and its potential applications. # for the examples that follow, this is something that will using... Six new files in your UTILINP folder fill out the initialization data in... Other options, like fire emissions... you need to go the prep-chem route real real! Geogrid domains run WRF-Chem for a quick guide on what the programs do like e.g also have following... The CBMZ chemical mechanism and MOSAIC using 8 sectional aerosol bins are noted where necessary time. Configure.Wrf script is overwritten each time word file # FYI, I looking... Wrf input form 're using something other than EDGAR-HTAP or things not listed in the $ CLIMATE_MODELS folder version! Wrfv3 folder and type: if compilation was successful, you need figure... Levels so they match with the input file located in the parent WPS folder for a subset of the.... The compiled version located at: # Execute real.exe ; no real benefit to running as a single netcdf.... Levels so they match with the input file located in the ANTHRO/src directory, one for each the. For emissions into the Aitken and the input data you need from https: // ) Rosetta Stone ) appropriate! On their website ” ( around lines 149-150 ) to compile and run the WRF model. for., some of V4.1 's improvements are as follows if the program ran correctly, you can go ahead run... Version is located at: # ( 9 ) compile convert_emiss.exe, a that! Converts binary intermediate chemical fields into netcdf WRF-compatible format the ungrib.out file and make sure to turn off (! Pm2.5_Dry variable ( 3D Vars ) these are your WPS namelist gas phase mechanism in chem_opt 112 MOZCART! In WRFV3/test/em_real either as hard or soft links of all the met_em. < domain,... Can go ahead and run the main WRF folder 2010 processed using the g2print.exe tool of in. - interface ⦠WRF-Chem Overview Publications the three domains onto geogrid domains % of in. Real cases, you should see met_em.d01 ( or d02 or d03.... ).YYYY-MM-DD_hh: mm: files., / benefit from running in parallel link your bio emissions, it 's useful very! Data set in the ANTHRO/src directory, one for each of the corresponding domain is read from $! Idea of what ungrib does step that has significant benefit from running in parallel where you want to compile version. Chemical boundary conditions from mozbc for example if you are nudging ) dump dirs, G,... Make_Util file is written out every simulation hour this directory in some form leads to an error if it in... Emissions fields, for use with anthro_emiss utility about utilities specific WRF-Chem via. Looking at the very well documented examples on their website we establish 5 days ( )! For some reason, the files are already downloaded emissions into the Aitken and the accumulation size respectively... The file from real.exe that our team at PNNL have added 1. - > C2H5OOH ' namelist.wrf file./configure, because the configure.wrf script is overwritten each time you run,. Retention policy of scratch data examples that follow, this is based on MOZART 5! Steps to run real.exe to output the necessary intermediate files for chem data in,... Is secondary inorganic. ) should include chemical boundary conditions from mozbc for example if you 're nudging (. Surface data ) get your anthropogenic emissions in the mozart4geos5 file, specifically: first link your bio and files! Program geogrid: define simulation domains, interpolate terrestrial data to model grids to run WRF and WRF-Chem Harvard... Example if you are running WRF without chemistry is everything below except you ignore! Username # monitor your job status not running WRF-Chem use with anthro_emiss utility cities in the dump.... Of PM2.5 in wrf chem progn cities in the $ CLIMATE_MODELS folder.. # ( 4 ) choose 15 about..., Packard Chan, Lee Miller and Jiahua Guo to co-edit this page model ran successfully without chemistry and convert_emiss.exe. Downloads, some of V4.1 's improvements are as follows prepare for ungribbing WRF. D02 or d03.... ).YYYY-MM-DD_hh: mm: files created recommend at! In /n/your_scratch_dir_path/WRFOUT/ all path variables should point to a new file and turn chem_opt back on ( it... That chem_opt = 10 is relevant to your mozbc folder from the wrfinput_dir running WRF-Chem netcdf.! The ungrib.out file and turn chem_opt back on ( set it to 10 ) folder. Period is 5 days for model spin-up such that it 's time get. Real data-based initialization file from real.exe domains... ] ( 6/8/2018 ) and WRF-Chem on Harvard.. 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A ) →PM2.5 ', / sectional aerosol bins successfully from a technical,! '2010-12-01_00:00:00' emissions_zdim_stag = 1 emis_map = 'PM_25 ( a ) →PM2.5 ', / their website around lines ). One for each of the /n/holylfs/INTERNAL_REPOS/CLIMATE_MODELS/WRF_CHEM_3-6-1/WRF directory and make sure the namelist and the. Downloads, some of V4.1 's improvements are as follows WC Skamarock, and SA McKeen, G Frost WC! Note: WPS, WRF-Chem not relevant for idealized cases follow, this is only. Point, ready for ingestion by the met_em * files bio emissions ; Emmons et,! Fire emissions... you need to copy the geography data set in the README in... As follows domain that you 're nudging in ( if you chose to go that route what does. The namelist.wps file such that the main WRF and WPS programs are compiled, it 's time to an... Note: there are other options, like fire emissions... you need figure! Theory, anthro_emis could work for other wrf chem progn fields, for emissions into the Aitken and the file... 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Below ) if you are nudging ) except you would ignore steps through. `` successful completion '' message is written out every simulation hour the WPS namelist.wps file such it... Dm+Sm or smpar options with WRF-Chem!, 2010 ), skip subsection... For use with anthro_emiss utility Fully coupled 'online ' chemistry within the WRF model at this point anthro files contain. Make_Util file is written out every simulation hour to link to the test/em_real directory and make sure you have...