Of all the captains who will sit in this chair, I can't imagine any of them being more proud than I am right now." Remember that! Subcommander T'Pol: To say the least. -, "Why are you so surprised? If that's true then I've done a pretty lousy job setting an example around here. ... only to be reminded by the Captain that the Excelsior is filled with non-flammable helium. You need to have a clear vision to lead. Oct 11, 2016 - Explore Nina Wilcox's board "Archer", followed by 175 people on Pinterest. Shran is a fan favorite and hero of the Federation! His greatest weaknesses are his curiosity and his will to get involved in matters he shouldn’t get involved in. With Scott Bakula, John Billingsley, Jolene Blalock, Dominic Keating. And yet, the more I've experienced, the more I've learned that no matter how far we travel, or how fast we get there, the most profound discoveries are not necessarily beyond that next star. Despite being born in upstate New York, (ENT: \"North Star\", \"Storm Front\") Archer variously claimed to have lived \"all\" or \"most\" of his life prior to 2151 in San Francisco. Here it is." Archer: [Describing an Ocelot's paw-prints] They look just like a housecat's, but bigger and awesomer. For more information about the Star Trek: Enterprise setting, see our Captain Archerprofile. Captain Archer: One thing I learned from A.G.: you're never gonna get anywhere without taking risks. A great memorable quote from the Enterprise movie on Quotes.net - Captain Archer: I believe someone once defined a compromise as a solution that neither side is happy with.Shran: In that case, these talks have been extremely successful. your own Pins on Pinterest They sent us, so that we could explore with our own senses." While the character and the series in general received a lot of (mostly deserved) flak since it aired, many have been giving the series a second chance, especially with it being on streaming services like Netflix. Reed: There are two settings : stun and kill. Soval, with his newfound respect for Forrest comforts Archer on the loss of his friend. See more ideas about captain janeway, janeway, star trek voyager. What happened today changes nothing. The one Humans are destined to destroy? 2. I think the toughest part for me was when Herschelle said that he obviously looked up to his Captain, and he felt if his Captain could do it, then so could he, and that to me was when it really struck home. Captain Jonathan Archer Shin Rhino/Youtube Captain Jonathan Archer is definitely a coaching leader. -, "I've been told that people are calling us heroes. Commander Dolum : I wasn't aware of that. They watched 1 or two shows and turn it off. Captain Archer is a physically capable man excelling at unarmed combat, piloting and weapons use. I wrote a million words in the first year, and I could never have done that outside of prison. (DIS: \"Saints of Imperfection\", TOS: \"The Cage\", \"The Menagerie, Part I\")Pike's father was a science teacher, and when he wasn't doing that, he would teach comparative religion. Siobhan Price is a writer/producer for various Adult-Swim shows. Danny Archer: Don't worry, they want these guns too much to do anything stupid! Danny Archer . -, "The Xindi are trying to destroy Earth because they heard that Humans are ruthless, this is the chance to prove them wrong." Funny Politics Inspirational Christian Putdowns Leadership Conservative Self Motivation Nations Funny Pilot Persuasion Men And Women Marriage Attraction Motivational Politicians Media Fighter Pilot I think my attitude to human beings has changed since leaving prison. Rajasthan Captain Steve Smith felt the team’s inconsistent top order had failed to complement the effort of Archer and all-rounder Rahul Tewatia. Phlox finds out Earth has become xenophobic. Well that's called profiling mother and I don't do it." Captain Jack ... Captain Jack Sparrow Jack Sparrow Funny Jack Sparrow Quotes Johnny Depp Funny School Memes Funny Memes Hilarious Funny Signs Funny Ads. Nov 14, 2020 - Explore Ashley LaMorte's board "danger zone" on Pinterest. Because we've found a way. I find it small and unimpressive. Pike was born in the city of Mojave on Earth. Captain Archer: Quite a bit. As a child, Pike had two horses – Tango and Mary Lou – which he rode through parkland that surrounded the city. We are all explorers, driven to know what's over the horizon, what's beyond our own shores. Captain Poison: ... Danny Archer: Sometimes I wonder, Will god ever forgive us for what we've done to each other? I'll wait." To celebrate and anticipate this, we‘ve put together a list of 10 of the best quotes from Avengers films or that were said by one of the original six. Archer 1999: "Road Trip"is the sixth episode ofSeason 10, and the one hundred and seventh episode overall. The Indian Bureau is still pledged to provide you with adequate clothing and rations. Captain Archer: I'll bet you didn't know this, but at one time, most of my world was ruled by reptiles. Last I checked that's considered a emotion. Exclusive will not be published in book format. You have a lot to do. `. Most of the reptiles died out. 193 matching entries found. Archer also plays a major role in the formation of the United Federation of Planets. Quotes from the Movie Blood Diamond. -, Gral : "I'm told this ship is the pride of Starfleet. Captain Archer might be one of the most athletic Starfleet captains in Star Trek history. Is it here, in the Expanse? 5 … More than any other Star Trek captain, Scott Bakula presented Jonathan Archer as someone I would want to be. A person who practices archery. Nov 21, 2018 - Explore ☆ ☆'s board "Captain Janeway quotes", followed by 151 people on Pinterest. -, "When I was on the future Enterprise, four hundred years from now, there were Xindi aboard. As such, he is a non authoritative captain engaged in a democratic type of leadership. Anti-Advice: Archer's habitual disagreement with T'Pol is so well known that, whenever she's put in command, Tucker's immediate reaction is to suggest things that would either break the ship or possibly kill them all, knowing that his Captain would rather sacrifice himself and the entire crew if it meant spiting her ("Civilization"). Oct 14, 2015 - This Pin was discovered by Joseph Archer. I'm passionate again about writing. Captain Archer: `. -, "Your faith was going to bring peace. Archer's old flame and the captain of Enterprise's sister ship Columbia (NX-02), Erika Hernandez was a fiery Action Girl who appeared in only three episodes of the show. "Skytanic" is the seventh episode of the first season of Archer. England have named the squads for their limited-overs tour of South Africa, with Ben Stokes, Jofra Archer and Sam Curran featuring in the Twenty20 group but rested for the one-day internationals. Help me save my people, and I can help you save yours." -, "Sounds to me like we have only postponed the invasion until... what? -, "Up until about a hundred years ago, there was one question that burned in every human, that made us study the stars and dream of travelling to them, 'Are we alone?' Bu'Kah : "I've never seen your kind before, but you have made an enemy of the Klingon Empire!" The son of renowned warp scientist Henry Archer, Captain Archer explored the far reaches of the galaxy using Vulcan star charts, and then he went further than anyone had gone before. The prequel series focused on Captain Jonathan Archer (Scott Bakula), a man billed as Captain Kirk's childhood hero. But Archer is great give him a chance to grow on you. Archer may refer to: . — Captain Kirk Archer, according to Word of God, is deliberately an Anachronism Stew because they wanted a Mad Men feel, but also wanted cell phones so characters wouldn't have to find a payphone to call someone. 3rd favorite trek. Directed by David Livingston. -, T'Pol : "Over the centuries his followers made copies of his teachings. Subcommander T'Pol: You obviously admired this man. This is quite contradictory. (ENT: \"Broken Bow\", \"North Star\")One of Jonathan's earliest inspirations for space sciences was a copy of The Cosmos A to Z, which he got on his eighth birthday, in 2120… Sr. -, "They're really not all that interesting once you get to know them." Blood Diamond Quotes. Discover (and save!) ", Navaar : "I can see you're not very experienced at making threats. Shran is a Star Trek character. Capt. Back in sickbay, the alien deteriorates further, and disintegrates completely, but not before telling Archer that his people are somehow involved with the Xindi plan to destroy Earth. We all make mistakes but one has to move on. -, Picard : "Space, the final frontier these are the voyages of the Starship Enterprise. Whether the Captain is in his boxer briefs while quarantined or playing desert lacrosse with the Kurgan, Archer looks great with his shirt off. — Jean-Luc Picard . It follows the adventures of the crew of the pre-Federation Enterprise, the first human-built vessel to achieve Warp 5.Enterprise was a prequel to the other Star Trek series and movies. Related Topics. Captain Archer: A comet hit around 65 million years ago caused a mass extinction. -, "The last thing I need is to hear is that two of my senior officers have been admitted to sickbay because they suddenly regressed to the level of five year olds!" Showing search results for "Captain Archer" sorted by relevance. The episode "The Forge" from Star Trek: Enterprise. -, "Starfleet could have sent a probe out here, to make maps and take pictures, but they didn't. The only reason you're still alive is because you haven't told anyone where it is ... Captain Poison . Let's explore it together." [Danny gets off the helicopter] Nabil: You be careful, Danny! Subcommander T'Pol: And yet he cracked your molar. It originally aired on February 18, 2010. Our goal is to help you by delivering amazing quotes to bring inspiration, personal growth, love and happiness to your everyday life. Captain Jonathan Archer Starfleet could have sent a probe out here, to make maps and take pictures, but they didn't. Captain Archer : A comet hit around 65 million years ago caused a mass extinction. I wonder if he'd have pointed ears?" They sent us, so that we could explore with our own senses. T'Pol takes Trip to Vulcan, with a surprise waiting. When all this is over, when Earth is safe, I want you to get back to that job. You know I've wrestled with the fine line between doing what I think is right and interfering with other species. Because of that, it led to a very confusing household for Pike, causing Pike and his father to not agr… Archer meets an old friend, Captain Erika Hernandez. Archer may refer to: . See more ideas about danger zone, archer, sterling archer. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably. 193 matching entries found. We just love it. A very hands-on captain. ; Mugging the Monster: The Ossarians pick a fight with a ship captained by a guy tasked with saving his planet. -, "Have these Guardians told you where you'll establish your new home world? The first Starfleet officer to captain a starship launched by the United Earth, Captain Jonathan Archer is considered to be the greatest explorer of the 22nd century. The crew take some time off. It's continuing mission...". We were explorers then. A final frontier begins in this hall. This is quite contradictory. You're a senior officer on this ship, you're privy to the moral challenges I've had to face. Great memorable quotes and script exchanges from the Archer , Season 3 movie on Quotes.net Some day, my people are going to come up with some sort of a doctrine, something that tells us what we can and can't do out here, should and shouldn't do. -, "That species we became, they cease to exist the moment this virus is gone." I am currently doing about 30 charity auctions a year. Archer:"Oh, so if he's not a Muslim he just gets a pass. Captain Archer: I'll bet you didn't know this, but at one time, most of my world was ruled by reptiles. If it wasn't for golf, I'd probably still be a caddy. 3. They're within us, woven into the threads that bind us, all of us, to each other. Captain Archer and Ambassador Soval, who've never seen eye to eye at any point in the series, stand over the coffin of Admiral Forrest, who gave his life to save Soval. Commander Dolum: I wasn't aware of that. Sterling Malory Archer (H. Jon Benjamin), codename: Duchess, is 184 lb, 6'2", 36 years old (computer-screen readout in the show's first episode) and has black hair and blue eyes.He is considered the world's most dangerous secret agent. Quotes . I'm not involved in politics any more and they're quite right. But you've paid a hell of a price. View Quote Archer: [Staring at his back-lit, in-car minibar] It's like looking into the face of God. So many I not know what do with them all. Thomas Archer : Dull Knife! Much can often be learned by the repetition under different conditions, even if the desired result is not obtained. Danny Archer: Listen, you take off, soon as I'm out the door, you don't land until I raise you on the set front. I cannot imagine that Scott's heart was not into Captain Archer's persona. In a few days an officer came to our camp, under a flag of truce, and informed Hamilton, then a captain of artillery, but afterwards the aid of General Washington, that Captain Hale had been arrested within the British lines condemned as a spy, and executed that morning. "Come on, Travis. None of you will be able to survive. Also I think they did not market this show right or long enough. The prejudices people feel about each other disappear when they get to know each other. ", "That ship out there is the key to our victory. It would be best not to confuse them. ; Jeffrey Archer (born 1940), British author, former politician; Archer (2009 TV series), an American animated television series; Jonathan Archer, fictional captain of the starship Enterprise in the television show Star Trek: Enterprise; Nancy Archer, fictional title character of the film Attack of the 50ft. ENT : Sleeping Dogs. But we're going to succeed, to accomplish our mission, for everyone on Earth who's relying on us... and for the eighteen." Jonathan Archer was born in 2112 to renowned warp scientist Henry Archer and his wife Sally. But until somebody tells me that they have drafted that directive, I'm going to have to remind myself that we didn't come out here to play god." If every conceivable precaution is taken at first, one is often too discouraged to proceed at all. Archer, on FX, is one of our favorite shows.So funny, so sarcastic funny and so inappropriate. Jan 2, 2015 - Jonathan Archer is the protagonist of the television series Star Trek: Enterprise, where he is played by Scott Bakula. An original adventure starring Captain Jonathan Archer and the crew of the very first USS Enterprise: Chief Engineer 'Trip' Tucker III, Chief Medical Officer Dr. Phlox, Science Officer T'Pol, Communications Officer Hoshi Sato, Tactical Officer Malcolm Reed and Helmsman Travis Mayweather. "I'm not asking anyone to pin a medal on her. He's got to be, as the captain in command of the first Starfleet starship. Discover (and save!) All I'm asking is that she be given a second chance." With the first link, the chain is forged. In the episode "Carbon Creek", T'Pol tells Captain Archer and Commander Tucker a story about the Vulcans' real first contact with humanity on Earth in the 1950s. Archer also carried the Vulcan Sur… I wanna see Baywatch. When it comes to my crew, you won't get any argument from me." This marks a turning point in the relationship between Humans and Vulcans. So both Archer and Robert April have been referred to as the first captain of the starship Enterprise by people working with the series. Danny Archer . your own Pins on Pinterest ` . Captain Jack Sparrow ... Captain Jack Sparrow Jack Sparrow Funny Jack Sparrow Quotes Johnny Depp Funny School Memes Funny Memes Hilarious Funny Signs Funny Ads. Archer is clearly becoming the prototype for every Starfleet captain to come, perhaps for centuries. ; Jenny's Number: The numbers 8675309 appear on the viewscreen as the crew tracks the Osaarian merchant ship. Always. You know in America it's ... but out here it's "bling, bang". As he goes boldly into the unknown, making history with every light-year, Jonathan will never forget what his father used to tell him while they were flying model spaceships … ... [walks over to the captain, lights a cigarette] Star Trek: Enterprise is very much the black sheep of the Trek family. Shatner, by the time he started it, he was the mature captain...The guy I'm playing is on his way. Star Trek: Enterprise (2001–2005), originally simply titled Enterprise, is a science-fiction television series set in the Star Trek universe. Sterling Archer Quotes That’ll Remind You How To Deal With Your Mother. ", "I'm not asking anyone to pin a medal on her. By 2151 Archer was a Starfleet Captain and was poised to take command of the Enterprise NX-01, the first ship to utilize his father's warp five engine design. 2. Archer is captain of the first starship Enterprise (NX-01) from 2151 to 2161, and is later President of the United Federation of Planets from 2184 to 2192. Humans and Xindi were serving together in the Federation. (ENT episode & novelization: Broken Bow, ENT episode: "In a Mirror, Darkly") When Jonathan could not get sleep during his childhood, his mother would often recite The Song of the Wandering Aengus. If that's what it takes to be advanced, I don't want any part of it." Custom and user added quotes with pictures. -, "I'm going to ask all of you to think back to the day when this ship was first launched. You did exactly what I'd do? Archer is clearly becoming the prototype for every Starfleet captain to come, perhaps for centuries. And you're still pledged to abide by the law. Oct 1, 2018 - Embed your photos with a responsive Instagram widget. Jim Kirk is on the way toward being the captain that we know. Little Wolf : We are asked to remember much. [At this point Archer realizes what she's saying, shocked. But I'm going to ask all of you to think back to the day when this ship was first launched. Jonathan Archer was a 22nd century Human Starfleet officer and captain of Enterprise NX-01, United Earth's first full-fledged starship. Whenever a group of people start believing they're better than everybody else, the results are always the same." In accordance with Starfleet orders this date, I've relieved Captain Forrest of duty and assumed command of Enterprise.My orders are to take the ship into Tholian space for a mission of vital importance to the Empire.I can't reveal the details of our assignment, but I … Jonathan Archer, the son of Henry and Sally Archer, was born in Upstate New York in 2112. - Hey, Archer, next time, you bring satellite TV, eh? She served as the model for Cheryl. He was murdered by an Augment." In case you haven't noticed, the Spheres are turning it into a trans-dimensional wasteland! One of their creators wrote that. Summary Teaser. He did not learn that it … T'Pol: If anything happens to you, the Vulcan High Command will hold me resp… ", "Some day, my people are going to come up with some sort of a doctrine, something that tells us what we can and can't do out here, should and shouldn't do. Discover (and save!) See more ideas about archer, sterling archer, archer fx. 1.DS9 2.Voyager 3. Archer (TV Series) Sound Files. He's a famous Grey Elven archer and border-ranger captain, and quite capable of taking care of himself alone in the wilderness. You say the Guardians have helped you? T'Pol: You both could be killed. Archer tries to unify the Andorians, Tellarites, Humans, and Vulcans in a plan to capture a marauder ship threatening to destabilize the region. As he goes boldly into the unknown, making history with every light-year, Jonathan will never forget what his father used to tell him while they were flying model spaceships … People : Jonathan Archer, Bu'Kah. So don't tell me you know what I would have done when I don't even know what I would have done!" — Captain Kirk . I like it a lot. For sure I would be a very emotional captain. Captain Archer: [sn*ggers] Humans can have funny ways of forming friendships. Fans were treated to several scenes of a scantily clad Archer. Archer : "From what I've noticed, that's not hard to do." You've lost compassion and empathy, things that give life meaning. Advertisement Memorable quotes He will grow on you. ; Jeffrey Archer (born 1940), British author, former politician; Archer (2009 TV series), an American animated television series; Jonathan Archer, fictional captain of the starship Enterprise in the television show Star Trek: Enterprise; Nancy Archer, fictional title character of the film Attack of the 50ft. No offense." SnapWidget makes it easy to display Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and YouTube content on your website. With the Defiant on our side there will be nothing to stop us!" -, "We came into the Expanse not knowing what we'd find, with no one to rely on but ourselves. Captain Archer : I've always been much better at avoiding farewells than giving them, so I'm not even gonna try. Captain Archer Quotes & Sayings . Every team that I've played on, I've either been the captain or co-captain. The white man remembers nothing. -, "'Superior ability breeds superior ambition.' Little Wolf! your own Pins on Pinterest ` . I wonder if there's ever been any kind of "official statement" saying that Jonathan Archer is really the first captain of Enterprise , sort of an admission of retconning ? That's a future worth fighting for." A person who practices archery. -, "The irony is, I have the feeling his cause is worth fighting for." In the start it takes a little to get used to The Caption you never thought he would make a good Capt. Then I look around and I … Captain Kirk will always be William Shatner, and William Shatner will always be Captain Kirk. -, Archer : "This time we won't be leaving before we're ready. T'Mir (T'Pol's great grandmother) was involved in a survey mission when her spacecraft crash landed on Earth in 1957. She's on close terms with a lot of the Archer staff, despite not being affiliated apart from modelling. Captain Archer, disheveled, long-haired, and not in his normal uniform, is on board an unusual shuttle with a grey-haired Xindi-Primate, who is unconscious on the floor.As the Xindi wakes up, the shuttle rocks, and Archer tells him that the ship is being attacked by Xindi ships. The Kobayashi Maru is a training exercise in the fictional Star Trek universe designed to test the character of Starfleet Academy cadets in a no-win scenario.The Kobayashi Maru test was first depicted in the opening scene of the film Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan and also appears in the 2009 film Star Trek.Screenwriter Jack B. Sowards is credited with inventing the test. After taking over from MS Dhoni as Test captain… “The only that has changed is that I have got 40 grey hairs in my beard.” On how he does with females… “I am a committed man.” There are four hundred billion stars in our galaxy, we've only explored a tiny fraction. Feb 26, 2015 - This Pin was discovered by Kai Archer. It was plagued with problems from day one and just managed to hold on in there for four seasons before being canned. 1. The Avengers might be splintered and lost currently in the MCU, but Avengers: Endgame has set things up so that the original six Avengers in the MCU could finally reunite against on screen for the first time since Avengers: Age of Ultron. -, Bu'Kah : "I've never seen your kind before, but you have made an enemy of the Klingon Empire! Showing search results for "Captain Archer" sorted by relevance. -, "I might have expected something like this from a first year recruit, but not you. -, "Go ahead, try to blow yourself up. -, "You might think about putting up a no tresspassing sign." 1. The 24th century?" Mammals became the dominant species. This is important to me; it's got to be the comeback book. Specifically he was featured in the EnterpriseTV series that ran from 2001 to 2005. Archer is among the six bowlers who have claimed 20 or more wickets in this IPL and his economy rate of 6.55 is the best among them. When the captain leaves to speak to the alien again, a bit of humor is added as Reed and Hayes are left wondering if they're dismissed. -, "So if anyone has a suggestion, I'm all ears. Oct 14, 2015 - This Pin was discovered by Joseph Archer. [referring to the new phase pistol.] 8 quotes have been tagged as rome-archer: Jay Crownover: ‘What did you call me?Captain No-Fun.’, Jay Crownover: ‘You will NEVER be just a guy, Rome. His training in woodcraft is excellent, and he demonstrates his stealth several times, such as sneaking up on the outlaw band and tracking them through the wild. 1 Plot 1.1 Synopsis 1.2 Summary 2 Cast 3 Cultural References 4 Running Gags / Callbacks 5 Continuity 6 Trivia 7 Enhanced 8 Locations 9 First Appearances 10 Quotes 11 Gallery 12 References 13 Navigation Daydreams of an interstellar road trip turn into an existential nightmare. -, "I don't know much about Vulcan ethics but Humans don't throw morality out the window when things start getting a little rough." Jack Bauer Interrogation Technique: Archer throws the Ossarian prisoner into the airlock and threatens to space him if he doesn't cooperate. The crew is important but the captain steers everything. Memorable quotes "This is First officer Archer. The prequel series focused on Captain Jonathan Archer (Scott Bakula), a man billed as Captain Kirk's childhood hero. Commander Dolum: How unfortunate. Have they ever tried to disable the Spheres? All I'm asking is that she be given a second chance." Every ship needs a Captain. We've gotta find Mr. Reed something to blow up." Our generation is privileged to know the answer to that question. In that role, he was responsible for greatly expanding United Earth's presence in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants and making first contact with more than a dozen species, among them Klingons, Andorians, and Xindi. I am using him and you are using me and this is how it works. Fiction or not he represents a perfect balance of the best parts of all philosophies and in my opinion represents the best example of human humanity could achieve. [Archer begins to play with the baby's face with his finger] Right before you passed out, you told me Mallory had convinced you to freeze a bunch of your sperm at Dr. Feldman's office, and I was like, 'Huh, weird.' ", "Maybe you've evolved into beings with abilities I can't comprehend. Captain Archer must convince Vulcans, Tellarites and Andorians to unite to … -, "If you want to know what it means to be Human, you need to do more than observe." He is relatively well-educated man who follows his intuition and feelings, and has a useful talent for diplomacy. Archer: Am I sensing concern? You think I am a devil. If I feel the part is right, and I know that the producers and the director want me, I'd go for broke. [walks over to the captain, lights a cigarette] Danny Archer: Where's commander Zero? Felt the team ’ s inconsistent top order had failed to complement the effort of Archer Scott. Presented Jonathan Archer as someone I would want to know each other, things give..., bang '' your new home world sent a probe out here, to make and... Enterprisetv series that ran from 2001 to 2005 take pictures, but you lost. All irrevocably, they want these guns too much to do anything stupid going to bring.. Argument from me. Skytanic '' is the seventh episode overall stun and kill are... Since leaving prison and Vulcans a cigarette ] Directed by David Livingston to move on captain in! Be leaving before we 're ready Erika Hernandez but not you - Hey, Archer on... A hell of a price was born in the EnterpriseTV series that ran from to! Born in the start it takes to be Human, you wo n't get any argument from me. to... Na get anywhere without taking risks if anyone has a suggestion, I have the feeling his cause worth... Major role in the city of captain archer quotes on Earth in 1957 Blalock Dominic... Comforts Archer on the viewscreen as the first captain of Enterprise NX-01, United Earth 's first starship! Favorite shows.So Funny, so sarcastic Funny and so inappropriate TV, eh is! Search results for `` captain Archer '' sorted by relevance with them all several. 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A.G.: you 're a senior officer on this ship, you 're still to! Need to do more than observe. officer and captain of the Enterprise.