Best Gun Belt Reviews: CCW Leather and Nylon Belts To Buy in 2018. For instance, if the games are deers, the 450 is more than capable. When discussing accuracy of the two rounds, we need to bring into play their ballistics. If you’re looking for the best big bore cartridge, then you can never go wrong with the.458 Socom and .50 Beowulf. At 300 yards, the gap widens further, with the .458 showing an even flatter trajectory. For the sake of clarity and not getting stuck in the weeds, we are going to keep the discussion to each category but will bring it all together when discussing applications. 7 comments . 458 SOCOM 450 Bushmaster 50 Beowulf. We should also consider recoil as one of the key determinants of the rounds accuracy. MassMark. It is designed on the AR (Armalite) platform. Below we have listed the average velocities for each cartridge out to the 300-yard mark and have omitted the subsonic .458 SOCOM round. Obviously, flatter trajectories (less bullet drop) is going to be more advantageous for the shooter than one where you have to make more radical adjustments to shot placement. If we have two bullets with the same weight, but different diameters, the smaller diameter localizes the force to a smaller area and gives you deeper penetration. Let’s look at the key differences: Power One of the biggest arguments for the .458 SOCOM is the ability to handle up to 600-grain. For longer distances, beyond 200 yards, you’d want to go with the .458 SOCOM rounds as they show more promising results. At the 200 and 300 yard mark, the energies associated with bullets from both cartridges begin to tighten closer together even more. What we use the most often leads us to be being more accurate, and we tend to defend their honor as an accurate round. The averages for the 200 and 300 yard mark for both cartridges are 1,052 and for the .50 Beowulf and 1,056 and for the .458 SOCOM rounds. 450 Bushmaster vs 458 SOCOM vs 50 Beowulf: Ammunition Selection Of the three, the.450 Bushmaster is by far the most common, but it still can’t hold a candle to cartridges like the.223 Remington or.308 Winchester. If you’re planning on taking shots within the 100 yard range, one of the two cartridges has an advantage over the other. 458 socom vs 50 beowulf. There is a lot more that goes into selecting between two cartridges that we did not touch on and might further sway you on your decision. Velocity influences certain characteristics and is itself influenced by others. When looking at the .50 Beowulf vs .458 SOCOM, especially when it comes to velocity, we have to remember that both of these rounds are low velocity even when not subsonic. They are built to deliver a tremendous amount of force to a target and to do so at close ranges. With a degree in Microbiology and several years of doctoral work manipulating bacterial genes, he attempts to merge the rational and unbiased thinking of scientific research with the passions of hunting and fishing. Bad13Luck . .458 SOCOM VS .50 Beowulf Anonymous 08/24/20(Mon)11:20:14 No. I hand load so I have a wild cat cailber problem lol . Finished my first build thanks to help from the Reddit communities and now I’m set on making my next build a large bore pistol, and there is a slew of differing opinions, I do not reload and am not shooting suppressed and wanted to hear your (un) biased thoughts!!! Top 10 Best Deer Decoys Review – The Only Guide You Need in 2018. We also have to bring recoil into the discussion. Click on a term to search for related topics. Posts: 1,450. We find it difficult to say that this small difference would lead to a difference in accuracy, but in theory, the higher performing .458 SOCOM rounds should be easier to put on target at greater distances than the .50 Beowulf. Differences Between 450 Bushmaster And 458 Socom Power. .50 Beowolf vs .458 Socom vs .45 Bushmaster #6673882 07/11/12: Joined: Feb 2012. Raffica762 Sergeant of the Hide. This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. We are using computer data that was compiled from the manufacturer’s websites as well as from trusted ballistic calculators. Still, to the make these comparisons, we have selected five rounds of each cartridge and listed them below. The math and physics behind the BC can get a bit technical and cluttered though we do recommend you take a look as it is very interesting. 482 Posts . Neither of the two rounds wins in this category. As the rounds move out to the 200 and 300 individual rounds, do begin to distance themselves from one another. The penetration potential of a bullet is derived from its sectional density. A flatter trajectory helps negate small errors that can be made during these situations. For the .458 SOCOM, we like the SBR Barnes Tipped TTSX 300gr round. Discussions on all the Black Rifle variants of all calibers and manufacturers. 458 socom vs 50 beowulf. However, both rounds produce enough recoil to make it difficult to accurately make shots in quick succession on your target. So keep in mind as we move through this comparison that the terminal ballistics of these rounds involve more than simply the kinetic energy or the sectional density. I found that the factory twist of 1:20 is a bit too slow for a 9.75" Barrel like I wanted. From 0 to 200 yards, the velocities remain supersonic for the majority of the cartridges. Both rounds can do well when used for home defense situations, which is what they were initially designed for. I don't know much about .50 Beowulf. Buy, Sell, and Trade your Firearms and Gear. Overall, you can expect the two rounds to fly at supersonic speeds from 0 to 200 yards. Archived. For hunting/self-defense, you’d want enough to neutralize your target and stop it right in its track. While the averages give you an idea of the differences between the two cartridges, we do want to point out that the rounds are interspersed regarding the amount of bullet energy. This will help you get an idea what kind of performance you expect from them and their limitations too. share. I will call in short name as 458 Socom Full Upper And 458 Socom Upper Vs 50 Beow Understanding how these bullets behave is highly advantageous because it lets you better adjust shots and helps you understand the cartridges limitations. And this is simplifying the topic since we are leaving out expansion, which is also going to play a role in penetration. Because these two cartridges share a lot of similarities, it can be easy to get on the track of determining which is the better cartridge. The highest performing round at this mark is still a .50 Beowulf, but the averages begin to look similar. Regarding recoil, the difference between the two rounds is quite small and insignificant, with the .458 Socom being on the higher end. Which round has more kinetic energy? … They have fairly similar dimensions, and though we did not list it in our table, one of the major differences and a common topic in forums is that the .458 SOCOM round is tapered while the 50 Beowulf is not and might influence the cycling of the cartridges. If we take the averages of the rounds for each cartridge we see that there is never more than difference between the two. Rating - 100%. Today, Tromix and a few other companies manufacture the rifles as well as the upper receiver. 458 SOCOM SBR Hornady Interlock JHP 300gr, 458 SOCOM Buffalo Bore Jacketed Flat Nose 350gr, 458 SOCOM Underwood Ammo Lehigh Controlled Fracture HP 300gr, 458 SOCOM Buffalo Bore Subsonic Jacketed Round Nose 500gr, 50 Beowulf Alexander Arms Rainier Plated HP 335gr, 50 Beowulf Underwood Ammunition Bonded JHP 325gr, 50 Beowulf Alexander Arms Millennium Solid Brass Spitzer 350gr, 50 Beowulf Underwood Ammunition Xtreme Penetrator 325gr. Though all of the rounds we looked at dropped below the 1, mark at the 300 yard mark, there is still enough energy to drop medium size game with a well-placed shot, especially considering the size of these rounds. As they move to 200 and 300 yards, they start exhibit slightly different paths, with the .458 Socom showing less than 1-inch bullet drop compared to the .50 Beowulf. Remember, these are primarily military rounds that are not as widely available to civilians on the open market yet, but that will likely change over time as less and less use by the military results in higher stocks of both bullets. .300 Win Mag vs .308: Ballistics, Ammo Cost, Recoil And Others! While that still holds true here, it might not be as critical for those of you looking at these two rounds as might be for F-class competition shooters. I'm looking at putting one on top of standard ar lower." The .450 Bushmaster can’t handle even half of that. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Even these numbers can change depending on the variables such as powder charge, type of powder, and firearm weight. As you can see, both of these large bore cartridges are much larger than your typical 5.56 round. Any tips, tricks or advice would be greatly appreciated. In the end, it comes down to what you have the most confidence with, especially when looking at two similar rounds. If you look at each round, barring the subsonic 458 SOCOM round, at these ranges, the biggest difference between two rounds is 1” and the rest less than .5”. As we have said several times, these are lower velocity rounds, for rifle cartridges, and all of the rounds fall below supersonic speeds by the 300-yard mark which is the upper limit for the range of these cartridges. We don’t necessarily think it’s the only option for the job, but we are confident it will get it done. They both have rounds that perform more efficiently in each category, but there were some very slight differences when comparing the two. Before we get into our comparisons, there is one more note that we would like to make. Poll closed Sep 28, 2011. Though it is not rated by a governing body, the max pressure for both of these rounds heeded by hand loaders is 35,000psi. For hunters and those looking for a self-defense cartridge, stopping power is a critical factor in your final choice. Both of these cartridges fill a very specific niche within the shooting world, and because of this, a number of options you have for factory loads are very limited when compared to more popular defense and hunting rounds. Because of this, the bullets used for these cartridges are often rounded or even flat noses which are not very drag resistant. Then I would buy a 12.7x42(Aka .50 Beowulf) made by Craddock Precision. This kinetic energy is derived from the mass and the velocity of the bullet. Like our previous discussions, we have graphed the data out to 500 yards, but we are going to limit our discussion to 300 yards as this is the upper limit of effectiveness for most users of either of these cartridges. Many regard it as a great low velocity round for home defense and hunting use. 13 0 0. As you can see, 300+ yards is going to offer some difficult shooting for even skilled marksmen. The following chart indicates how the recoil force of rounds from each category (with the same powder charge) looks like: As long as you intend to use these rounds for home defense or hunting purposes, stopping power is a crucial factor that should help you make a better decision. For self-defense, the reason for wanting a round with incredible stopping power is obvious. For the .458 SOCOM versus the 50 Beowulf comparison, the BC might not have the same relevance as it would for more long range cartridges. You need a round that is going to be able to pass through those barriers. Receive our newsletter with the best articles covering guides, guns & gear. You might have hunting in mind for these rounds, home defense, or even for competition purposes. 6.5 grendel 50 beowulf and .458 socom . What you can expect for the .458 Socom vs .50 Beowulfcomparison: both cartridges generally have low bc values. Penetration is also a critical factor for those looking for a self-defense round where intruders might be wearing protective clothing. Most rounds of the .450 Socom fall while those of 50. Tromix was given the contract of designing the first ever .458 Socom rifles in 2002. We are going to take a look at the actual recoil energies of these two cartridges for comparison. I had them make me two barrels for out of Douglas blank with a 1:14 twist with 8R rifling. The .50 beowulf is very similar to the .458 socom, both of which originated in 2001 as similar solutions to the same problem, stopping arabs at checkpoints in vehicles. The .50 Beowulf is designed to be most effective at stopping targets at short to medium range distances, making it the preferred round used at vehicle checkpoints by the military. Best Hearing Protection for Shooting: The Top 10 Hunters Prefer. All times are GMT -6. In the case of the .458 SOCOM vs .50 Beowulf, we are not going to mess around with the trajectory over 500 yards. In today’s post, we’ll take a closer look at the two bullets. When the bullet reaches the target, this energy is transferred and causes a tremendous amount of damage to the surrounding tissue and organs. The best way to measure accuracy is having the same conditions, the same shooter, and all the rounds we want to discuss to generate day’s worth of MOA data. When it comes to hunting medium sized game, both of these cartridges are fantastic brush guns in heavy cover where closer range shots are often taken. It has some of the best ballistic properties available for factory loaded .458 SOCOM rounds and has more than enough bullet energy, penetration, and expansion for excellent stopping power for medium size game out to 300 yards. Both have the stopping power, but if you want to go with the most destruction available, the .50 Beowulf rounds have slightly higher of energy behind them at close ranges and the large .50 cal bullet is going to be brutal. Throughout this range, we are comparing the bullet drop, in inches, of our ten selected rounds for comparison. Discussion Starter • #1 • May 1, 2013. We can estimate penetration based on the sectional density because it is derived from the diameter of the bullet and the weight of the bullet. >> Anonymous 08/24/20(Mon)11:27:27 No. The 454 casull is a hunting revolver cartridge, like but heavier than the 44 rem mag. The ballistic coefficient is derived from an equation that uses several bullet and cartridge variables and may or may not have any relevance to you. Below we have listed the averages for each cartridge out to 300 yards. AA decided to keep the .50 as a non-SAMMI cartridge so no one else builds uppers for it, but … In determining the stopping power of the two rounds, we look at the following key attributes: This refers to the kinetic energy that a bullet carries with it when it gets launched from the gun barrel. The BC is most known to influence a bullet’s trajectory so let’s take a look at this in our next section. From our description of what sectional density is and given that both of these cartridges use similar weight bullets, these numbers make a lot of sense. Normally, velocity is critical for both hunting and self-defense for a variety of reasons including performance at long range, proper expansion, and penetration. Posted by. When they reach the 200 and 300 yard marks, the difference starts getting smaller, with the .50 Beowulf maintaining the lead. Just have patience and you'll become as accurate using either of these rounds as you want to be. And like most ballistic numbers, environmental conditions can change these slightly from day to day based on temperature and pressure, among others. However, If I'm being brutally honest, I'd say get a .458 Socom from Tromix first. Like with any weapon, lots of practice is required to become an experienced marksman. Looking to build a large caliber AR and was wondering what you thought of these 3 and the good, bad, and ugly so to speak . The.458 SOCOM and.50 Beowulf are not SAAMI certified and no major ammunition companies produce ammo for them. From the averages alone, we see that both of these cartridges are nearly identical when it comes to the flatness of their trajectory at 150yds. Availability of components to outfit your rifle for these cartridges, how they feed, and other factors are not going to be discussed here. If anyone has had any experience with … Both can handle your needs, but at the end of the day, your personal preference is going to be from confidence in the round from use. Coming up on wounded animals, especially if they are predators, can be dangerous and being able to drop them cleanly takes this risk away. Now that AK47s are becoming popular in the USA too, I have to say the AKs are also being looked at as the excellent hunting arms that are, and that also is a direct result of the common man looking at the AR platform and seeing it as a competitor to the AK. I have both 458 socom and, 50 Beowulf..they have both their pro's and con's ..I love them both. Followers 2. I was looking for a RIFLE cartridge, one that used RIFLE bullets. Nov 16, 2009 … .50 Beowulf 8 vote(s) 42.1% .458 SOCOM 11 vote(s) 57.9% Thread Status: Not open for further replies. 2 posts • Page 1 of 1. As for the price, you need to understand that both rounds come with their affordable as well as expensive options. Presently, the .350 Legend, .450 Bushmaster, and .50 Beowulf are the only short (1.8 inches or shorter) commercial straight wall rifle cartridges, so are of prime interest to those who hunt in the jurisdictions noted above, plus anyone who may be interested in hunting with an AR-15 rifle chambered in a medium or large bore cartridge. We are dealing with two cartridges that were designed for close quarters situations. From the muzzle out to 150yds, there is no difference between these two cartridges. For this article, we are going to keep it as simple as possible. Featuring extremely large designs, these two cartridges are highly popular in the big game hunting circles and are ideal for many other tactical uses. These two are probably more similar than different, but the devil is in the details. Pat 300 yards, the two rounds have discouraging trajectory that would give even the most skilled marksman issues when shooting a target. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to 458 socom vs 50 beowulf ballistics, 458 socom vs 50 beowulf ballistics chart, 50 beowulf ballistics, 50 beowulf vs 458 socom, 50 beowulf vs 458 socom ballistics. We’ll take you through an exhaustive.458 Socom and .50 Beowulfcomparison that will point out the major differences and similarities, weaknesses and strengths between the two cartridges. The .50 Beowulf rounds had on average, several more of force than the .458 SOCOM rounds. For self-defense purposes, both of these cartridges are proven in the field. Get our PDF with 13 pistol & rifle targets (worth $48) including expert instructions for FREE! Still, for those on the fence of one round or the other, we will take a look at the kinetic energy ( of our selected rounds. There is great information out there that has been compiled by expert shooters, but does their data correlate to your skill level? When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Firearm Discussion and Resources from AR-15, AK-47, Handguns and more! 458 SOCOM build vs 50 Beowulf vs 450 bushmaster. I like the 45 Raptor more than the Bushmaster. Talking about the path followed by the two rounds when fired from your rifle, they follow similar trajectory from the muzzle up to around 150 yards. And as we have seen, they can even be effective at longer ranges. The .458 SOCOM rounds have slightly lower recoil energies when compared to the .50 Beowulf, which has several rounds in the range compared to the highest .458 SOCOM round at Most hunters also want enough stopping power to be able to make a clean and humane kill of the animal with causing unneeded suffering and risk losing it in the field. The higher the ballistic coefficient, the better the bullet can resist wind drag and wind drift which would make the bullet less likely to be pulled off of its flight path and, in theory, be more accurate. save hide report. Of course, with some tinkering with your rifle, you can make this recoil much more manageable. That being said, that stopping power at shorter distances makes this round a top choice for big game hunters, especially those who are hunting for bear or just want a greater ability to defend themselves against a potential bear attack while hunting other game. That is not our goal in this article. One last item before we get to the fun stuff. The increased recoil of the .50 Beowulf could be attributed to its higher muzzle velocity we saw earlier on. And receive our newsletter with the best articles covering guides, guns & gear. The small bc value of the two cartridges can be attributed to the fact that both rounds are designed with the aim of delivering a huge amount of force to a target in close range battles. At this point, the average for the .458 SOCOM is 2, while the .50 Beowulf is 2, You have seen the performance specs, and if nothing stood out to you in those areas, it might come down to price for you. Heavier bullets with the same diameter are going to penetrate deeper than lighter rounds with the same diameter. Though there is a slight trend for the .458 SOCOM being a bit flatter in its trajectory, both cartridges have rounds that perform better and more poorly in this specific area. .243 vs .308: Which One Is Better For Deer Hunting and Why? Initially, the .50 Beowulf rounds show a higher muzzle velocity but lose this advantage quickly. Beowulf falls range. The gap widens slightly between cartridges at the 200-yard mark where the .458 SOCOM nearly an inch less bullet drop than the .50 Beowulf which is not going to be a point of concern for most people. The best round between these two big bore bullets is a decision that we’ll live in your hands based on your specific needs and requirements. NW MISSISSIPPI. Campfire Regular. The combination of a round with performance specs similar to the highly regarded .45-70 cartridge and a semi-auto tactical platform was advantageous to both military and police personnel who often found themselves in close quarters situations with a need to bust through cover and neutralize targets quickly. But considering that this difference doesn’t go beyond 100,it’s doubtlessly insignificant. With two decades of chasing all manner of upland game, hooved mammals, strutting gobblers, and any small game that can fit in his Dutch oven, he hopes to offer new ideas and viewpoints on hunting and firearm concepts and traditions. Even then, how consistent would this data be? Anyone choosing the 50 Beowulf or 458 SOCOM should handload to take advantage of the many different bullets available to keep costs reasonable. The majority of these rounds come in bullet weights ranging between 300-500gr with subsonic rounds available. .458 SOCOM vs. .450 Bushmaster Differences. Most rounds of the.450 Socom fall while those of 50. Both of these cartridges are relatively obscure and do not have as large a market as other typical hunting/tactical rounds. Powder, and there are much larger than your typical 5.56 round to achieve accurate shots quick... Website in this category 'd say get a.458 SOCOM rounds as well as expensive options given contract... 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